Monday, July 26, 2010

Saint Johns Misson Group Team #3 (The winds of Change)

The following is brought to you by "Mister Twister", or the blogger formerly known as The Blackjack.

Things went well on the trip here. Ran into some construction slowing us down. We were late in getting to the Rendevous point, which is now a three story building which we are staying at. No sign of any other Churches aside from our own Saint Johns. Things went well for day one. We had dinner at a nice African Restaurant, the meal (don't ask me the name, I couldn't possibly tell you), consisted of some spicy chicken along with a rice dish cooked in coconut milk, in order to balance out the chicken.

To conclude the day, team #3 took a prayer run, consisting of driving through more impoverished parts of the city where we could experience the suffering of the poor and oppressed. It is my observation (not shared by the remaining winds) that the concern of the city is only extended to criminals, and not to the impoverished. Therefore, as long as the citizens of the city remain poor, but do nothing aobut it, the city and the governing bodies of the city will not be concered about it, as long as the people of the city, no matter how impoverished, or whatever reason there may be, remain in the bounds of the law, even if they need to exceed it to survive.

The first day of our mission, we went to a nursing home, wehre we played a game known as "frisbee golf" with the seniors there. They seemed to be in high spirits at our arrival, and quite enjoyed our presence. After a few lively rounds of the game, we adjouned into a game or two of bingo.

After a light lunch, we went to our second station which consisted of a school consisting of kids ages 5-14. Allow me to tell you that the younger kids were impossible to manage. I must say that herding cats is easier than managing the smaller children.

Out of time, details later. Have a nice night, good luck to you and yours.

Mister Twister the blogger formerly known as blackjack, signing out.

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